The daffodils are in full bloom, and that means it is time to get the garden ready to plant. Some weeks ago Michael tilled leaves into the beds of rich red clay that we are enticing along on the journey to rich brown humus. Then he hauled wheelbarrow load upon wheelbarrow load of compost…READ MORE >
Beyond the Back Forty
Point of View
This young painting, showing the interaction of the colors brown and blue on a white ground, looks like this viewed vertically, with the brown on the left. Rotate the painting 90 degrees; images seen in the painting change. Rotate another 90 degrees. New images appear, old ones disappear. One more turn…READ MORE >
Wednesday, a New Painting Takes Wings
I worked for many years in Waldorf schools, where observations Rudolf Steiner made in the early twentieth century continue to inspire and challenge school communities. Not only the teachers but also the staff, organizational board, parents, students and visitors who come to a Waldorf school quickly feel that something different, and powerful, is happening…READ MORE >
From An Educator’s Notebook
TEN — Playing to improve confidence and familiarity with number facts. In arithmetic, complete familiarity and accuracy with basic number facts is important, so as an early grades teacher I played number games with students whenever there was a spare moment. The children studied number relationships while they had fun with each other, and…READ MORE >
Environmental Action
Interesting thing about internet news – a headline can catch your attention, and then you can follow links in all directions and find that things mentioned are not always what they seem. The reports of the Water Protector actions in South Dakota caught my eye, and the arrest of Red Fawn Fallis felt particularly poignant.…READ MORE >
Keeping Horses
Wandering Waldorf teachers, Michael and I landed in Tucson, Arizona, and I found myself for the first time in my adult life completely horseless. That wouldn’t do. I started scouting out horse people, looking for a horse to ride. Horses and their barn facilities surround and interpenetrate the city of Tucson, and I enjoyed interesting…READ MORE >