I don’t know what you did during the pandemic, but we got a puppy. Answering an ad in the local paper, we got her from a farm family in the Shenandoah Valley. All ten puppies in the litter got farm names, the girls: flowers, the boys: tractors. We chose a girl, the best looking of…READ MORE >
Modern Illustrations for Timeless Fairy Tales
Teaching first grade at the Waldorf school, I visited with dragons and elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, and all the mythical creatures that our ancestors in the very early days described in stories they told one another. The Waldorf curriculum framework was designed to support children as they retrace the human journey into literacy. Fairy tales,…READ MORE >
A New Book with a message from our deep and distant human past: The Shoemaker and the Elves, presented by Leni Smith Covington.
Once upon a time it happened, when indeed did it not happen, a teacher telling a fairy tale to a class at school was deeply touched by the power of the story. She saw it in the eyes of the children, and she felt it in her own heart. That experience awakened her interest in…READ MORE >