Nov 26, 13 Pedaling quietly down tree lined streets in the crisp autumn morning, we round the corner into Dunbar/Spring Community Park and meet the sounds of gasoline engines driving mills grinding mesquite pods. It is the 11th Annual Mesquite Milling, Pancake Brunch, & Fiesta at the Dunbar Spring Community Garden, Orchard and Mini Nature park in…READ MORE >
Building Compost Piles at River Road Gardens
Urban farmers Jon McNamara and Emily Mabry operate River Road Gardens, a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project on the campus of the Tucson Waldorf School. The multiple beds of Jon and Emily’s farm lie on the south side of the school property, alongside a busy county road that is the major thoroughfare on the north…READ MORE >
Day is Done
We appreciate the response to the cd Day Is Done. The idea arose three and a half years ago with the birth of our first grandchild and finally got off the ground with the birth of our second—lullabies. Two of the songs, “The Riddle Song” and “All the Pretty Little Horses”, were recorded in…READ MORE >
Rosa’s Quilts
Rosa Smiley was born in 1901 in southern Kentucky. Her father was a farmer and a banjo player. She learned the skills of cooking, sewing, planting, harvesting, and preserving food at an early age, and spent most of her life close to the red clay, rocky land along the backwaters of the Cumberland River. …READ MORE >