Teaching first grade at the Waldorf school, I visited with dragons and elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, and all the mythical creatures that our ancestors in the very early days described in stories they told one another. The Waldorf curriculum framework was designed to support children as they retrace the human journey into literacy. Fairy tales,…READ MORE >
My Virtual Coffee House Show
Back in the day, when my friends and I were young and eager to be out sharing poetry and music, the coffeehouse beckoned. Public, legitimate, no age limits, no alcohol licensing requirement, coffee houses in the Chicago area often had a stage as well, many with hours scheduled for drop in performers on the “Open…READ MORE >
A Glance into the World of Gourds
My interest in gourds began when I was introduced to the axatse, a rhythm instrument used in West African drumming ensembles. The axatse is a dried gourd that has been emptied of its seeds and covered in netting with small shells attached. When the gourd is shaken, the shells rattle and make a loud…READ MORE >
Point of View
This young painting, showing the interaction of the colors brown and blue on a white ground, looks like this viewed vertically, with the brown on the left. Rotate the painting 90 degrees; images seen in the painting change. Rotate another 90 degrees. New images appear, old ones disappear. One more turn…READ MORE >
Wednesday, a New Painting Takes Wings
I worked for many years in Waldorf schools, where observations Rudolf Steiner made in the early twentieth century continue to inspire and challenge school communities. Not only the teachers but also the staff, organizational board, parents, students and visitors who come to a Waldorf school quickly feel that something different, and powerful, is happening…READ MORE >
Afternoons I wear many hats, but mornings I get to be a farmer. The job pays nothing, indeed it costs money, but the rewards are priceless. Yesterday, glimmery, gloriously light and cool, and the sun smiled on the work of many spiders. They must have been working all night, creating mystical magical receivers in…READ MORE >